Friday, December 31, 2010

Cancer Sucks....

So, when I left off, I had really fast forwarded through a lot so I may be backtracking later.  As of right now, I'm going to push on, hopefully your all with me.  While all this stuff was going on with the record industry and the choices of my life were up for grabs, my family was going through heavy stuff and I had no ideas.  I was informed my father had cancer, behind his eye, weird spot right?  Well, they had found a growth when he went to the eye doctor claiming to have gray spots in his vision and blurry peripheral vision.  Apparently the growth had started from the back right side of his eye, causing the light that would normally come in to be blurred.  It was his peripheral vision though, so he couldn't necessarily pin down that it was "blurry" because how clear is it really.  Once it had began to grow towards the middle of his eye it not only got bigger but it caused gray spots and blurs in the middle of vision.  This was more obvious to him.  He ended up going to the eye doctor and he found some issues and sent him to a specialist.  Longer story short, it was cancerous and would need treatment. 

After I received this phone call I was obviously stunned and made a trip home to see my parents.  We chatted about the procedures that would need to be done.  Which at that point was, radiation, literally a radiation piece had to be put BEHIND his eye to treat it.  Then going forward from there it would be monitored for growth and really see what was going on before going forward.  The procedure would take place at UC Hospital, and the check ups were with his specialist which was also in Cincinnati.  Well, evidently before all this was explained to me, my family was making trips to cincy getting things rolling and getting exams and tests.  My mom had taken off several days over and over to get my dad down to the specialist.  He couldn't drive, they dilated his eye so it was relaxed and was unable to control the light to his eye, thus being unable to drive himself.  Not that he should have to go through that stuff alone, but even if he wanted to it just wasn't possible.  So, this brings me back into the story and WSU.  I had just decided to take summer classes for the first time in my college career to try and get this stuff moving faster.  Well, I took some heavy classes too, can't remember them all together, but I know ECON was one, and a few others, a full schedule for sure.

Anyways, while I just starting this big summer group of classes, I was talking to my mom about the family situation and she needed to figure out how I can help bringing my dad to the specialist because she needed time off.  I thought of course, this is my dad, my familia, in a moment of need.  I have to step up as often as possible.  SOOOOO,,, I had to clear my schedule for my family, after all it was summer, I was still working at FYE as well.  So, I went to WSU dropped all of my classes, now if any of you are familiar with college classes, or WSU specifically you know how bothersome this situation can sometimes be, depending on your timing.  I dropped after the "W" period, Withdrawal period,  I get a W on my grade card instead of a grade, and it goes on my transcripts, reflects badly because I dropped them so late, and I get ZERO money back on what I paid for them.  Since I knew all this but I was seriously comparing this to my dad with cancer it wasn't even a real choice, I dropped them, prepared to pay back loans on classes I never took, oh well, just another drop in my giant student loan bucket right.  Well, guess what....  WSU said ok, that's great you understand you'll still get no money back and get W's, I said yep I understand.  A month or two later, after I was getting ready to start my next semester/quarter whatever the hell WSU was on those days, I got a bill and a letter...
The bill being from WSU and not naming any specific numbers, but let's put it this way, it was a bill for my entire group of summer classes expenses and all of my living expenses for that summer quarter.  HUGE! bill and a letter saying that I owed WSU this money because the SENT BACK my originally loan to my lender and the amount due for that quarter was now due to WSU and NOT my original lender which I already owed thousands of dollars anyways.  Talk about a wrench in your plans...  ALSO, a letter saying this needed to be paid before the next quarter or I would be "suspended" and unable to continue my degree.....  Guess what happened next,,,,  If I had that much money, I wouldn't need loans people..  leaving you there,,, to my next installment, hopefully this isn't too boring for you folk.  I feel like this is really great and I really love the feedback.  My writing is evolving as we go, would love some comments or feedback on the blog.  Also, really appreciate my followers and would love and appreciate some more!  Get a Chasing Ryan Army! lol

Seeya next time,
same bat time, same bat channel..



  1. This is why I strongly disagree with this (and most) country's policy when it comes to money. Back in the day there was something called good will, now someone will lose their job if they dont collect a certain amount of something or meet certain numbers regardless of what existential circumstances arise.

    Pray for that 2012 solar flare and the glory it will bring in its wake. Lets have humanity set back 100 years and give everyone a slap in the fucking face. Where are your brothers now? The dollar means nothing. Was all the backstabbing and unfeeling bullshit worth it then?

  2. Btw I dont feel like creating one, so Im using my wife's google account. This is Jay, if you had difficulty detecting my aura of win.
